My game plan is to attack the biggest drain first: The most time consuming step is sorting, folding, and putting everything away. I have tried many methods; none have helped me quickly get through the pile of laundry that is piled up to a height of three feet, two inches. (I measured. This is typical. Several times a week.)
This week I tried something new. I washed and dried it all then dumped load after load on the couch in the living room. As I was dumping the last load, I bellowed to the children, “Come git yer clothes!”
Only one of them came so I bellowed, “You owe me $1 for every item of clothing that is yours, left on this couch after 10 minutes!”
I heard the stampede of feet and I stepped back to see what would happen.
Within seconds, they were all there, digging into the pile of clothes. Shirts were flying, pants were grabbed or thrown, and socks hit the ceiling. In a hyper-quick three minute cat-fight-like scene, ALL the laundry was sorted and toted off to it's owners room. I was left with a small pile of my own clothes, my husband's clothes, and the kitchen towels.
It was so awesome that I tried it again yesterday to see if the experiment could be duplicated.
It worked!
Glory be.