Sunday, September 7, 2008

Best Edge #3

I think there might be Five Edges in here somewhere, but this is the one that jumped out at me today. Note that I do not actually follow any of these Best Edges consistently. I just do my best to remember them and implement them when I can.

Best Edge #3: Fiercesome Focus

Apparently, a person can get a lot more done when they focus fiercely on one thing at a time.

Like right now, Vee & Kee are at a friend's birthday party. Eee, Jee & Aee are playing piano at a community center building. I am home doing... I forgot what I was doing actually. So, I am going to try this fiercesome focus thing on... Hum. On... downsizing our house by five more boxes. Ready, set, go!







Try it. It is fun.