Friday, March 20, 2009

Two insights for today

Last night I got to spend a good, solid, healthy hour with friends at a party. Fun! There were so many women there that I admire and who have qualities that I am trying to incorporate into my own life. There were two things I noticed in a bit of an Ah-ha moment.

I noticed that:
1. The happiest women are the ones who are overflowing with gratitude.
2. They tend to talk about what they have done, not so much what they are only planning to do.

So, I went back over the last page of two of my blog and noticed I needed to change a few things! I wiped out some of the ickies and toned it down a bit. A bit of revisionist history in the works...

And here's today's baby step effort to get closer to the new-ish qualities I aspire to incorporate:

I am grateful for:
* Children who go to bed easily and gently. They flutter their eyelids closed and fall asleep. Easy as that. I am so lucky.
* Ripe, bursting-with-vitamins vegetables on my plate.
* The sunshine that gave me a bit of a pink kiss today as I spent quite a bit of time outside talking with a friend.

What I have done, completed, fini that I am proud of:
* I got to whip parts of the house into shape over this last week, chucking a bunch of old media in various forms.
* I contacted some of my old friends from my growing up years, and WOW is it ever intriguing to see where everyone is now in their lives.
* The kids and I have done so many fun things this week, too many to list, but we're having fun enjoying all the goodness that is at our feet in this wildly vibrant part of the world.