We are at a 1,798 on the stress-o-meter scale. If we don't crack today, we never will.
What is there to stress about?
* car stolen -- husband has been with a car since he was 15yo, without this source of comfort, he's very unhappy
* son off in WA using big, sharp tools such as circular saws and chainsaws -- me so nervous
* starting of new company, ordering heaploads from suppliers, hoping that if we build it, they will come
* stupid allergic cough has me in nasty fits throughout the day
* 06 taxes due soon. We do it ourselves. Always. Not enough time
* property taxes just doubled, actually more-than-doubled
* a kazillion other little things that I should worry about, but don't.
When the stress hits, such as "oo, look, we just got a $2,500 bill for increased property taxes. Wonder where that's coming from?" ... when that hits, I just take a breath & remember:
"The strong woman is one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the senses and the mind," and I intercept, intercept, intercept. After all, I have four little sponges around me -- it's ok to be yucky myself, but yuckiness x4... yikes.
So, I intercept with, "Car stolen? This should be interesting..." and "Son gone to WA? At least I miss him (so, so much). Imagine if I didn't miss him. That would be sad." Intercept. Bright side. Moving to a better neural path.
Reminds me of my oldest, Conquerer, who ranked super, super high on an optimism test. He ranked so high that he was classified as the type of person who says, when the sky is falling, "The sky is falling? It's raining? I like rain! Mmm... feels good."
I'm so lucky.