Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer camps

Camps for the kids are costing us an arm, leg, and kidney, but the kids are blossoming.

Jee started his skateboarding camp today. It's an hour plus drive to the skate park, way out in the woods east of here, but the way his face lit up when he saw a whole crowd of skateboarding buddies... there's nothing else like it. He's so sparky.

And of course, he left his lunch in the car. We're driving home, thinking, "Whew, glad it's only a 2 hour drive to drop him off. And another 2 hr drive to pick him up. I don't think we could handle a much longer drive... Wait... Did he get his lunch?"


So what, the drive was a little longer today, but the silver lining was that we needed to drive back to the skate bowl and got to see little Jee's first attempts at more complex skateboarding tasks. Kee and I just watched from a distance for a while before dropping off Jee's lunch. Jee is such a natural. He loosens up, studies the moves of the best skaters then mimics their moves. Sigh. It is really quite wonderful to see someone learning a new skill easily.

Aee started her art class today, starting with Impressionism. She actually studied up ahead of time, looking at sample art work so she'd be ready if the teacher asked questions. What was it Aee said... ? "I need some context. I don't know Impressionism yet." Then she dissected the word, asking if Impressionism had something to do with impressions. Sometimes I forget that she's still a little squirt who doesn't know how to tie her shoes yet.

Vee and Kee worked today, on daytime black-out so they can earn college funds w/o being distracted.