Thursday, July 24, 2008

Letting Go Experiment, Day 3, Aftershock and Summary

Note: This is my 200th post to this blog. Yikes. I think I will go celebrate by doing the dishes... or not.

Last day of the Letting Go Experiment:

Aftershock = Despite the *huge* mess from J&A's painting experience (they decided to paint the pedestal sink in the bathroom blue, acrylic paints) the day still was more fun because we had identified several things we wanted together ahead of time. The blue bathroom was a bit of a detour, a heckova detour, but the day still had the silky-sweet (hugs and kisses) quality to it that I wanted.

Experiment Summary = When the kids get to choose their MITs (Most Important Tasks) of the day, it makes them happier and more centered. I sure hope I can remember this. Writing... it down... in pen... on hand... tatooing... on forehead...